
The Over Saturation of Theatre in B-more

I'm newer to B-more and am just starting to make the rounds in the theatre scene. I notice a lot of the theatre in B-more is what I would classify as "community theatre". I came to Baltimore from Seattle almost a year ago. Seattle has a vibrant theatre scene, with many many fringe theatres all over the city. Fringe theatres that even sometimes pay. There is healthy community of artists that art is what they do, they have training and professionalism. Not to say that Baltimore isn't professional; I've met some very professional theatre people in this town. There is large populous that do theatre for fun though. It isn't how they want to pay their bills, and god love them for it. I don't think B-more theatre could survive without them. They donate their time to something bigger than themselves.

I had an interesting discussion the other night...

Do you think Baltimore theatre is over saturated? YES! Very much so.

Is it to the detriment of everyone? YES! There are too many shows in one weekend for the theatre going populous of Baltimore to support. I constantly hear complaints from people I do shows with talking about how they have to pick and choose what shows they go to.

I will give Baltimore Theatre one thing, everyone knows everybody else. It's definitely a community, and I'm excited to participate.

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