
I've been very nervous...

Sex & Desperation opened on Thursday and we had two reviewers in the audience. I've found the first review online and when I read it, it brought a smile to my face (even though I got slightly dinged for a few things). I've been nervous leading up to the opening. Though the process has been relatively smooth, there were a few things (like starting the rehearsal process two weeks earlier) that I would have liked to do.

All in all I'm happy though. I was blessed with a very amazing (and drama-free) cast. I had four playwrights that laid their work out there and were very collaborative. I did learn a lot though through this process. Originally I thought 4 one acts wouldn't be any more difficult than a full-length that had a similar running time, boy was I wrong.

Each play provided it's own unique challenges; sometimes I saw things differently than the playwright, one of the shows demanded a lot of tablework to figure out what was going on, one of the shows uses each actor so scheduling around conflicts can be tricky, one of my actors has a thick accent so it took time to make sure we had the clarity we needed (though I think his accent adds a little something special to that piece).

It was a learning experience that I am very grateful for. I'm very excited to jump into next season's BPF submissions and start the process all over again as I am doing the BPF selection at Spots next summer.

Also, I'm about to start work on a generative piece using the text of the Spoon River Anthology called Graves in the Water. Look for it Halloween weekend at The Strand, free to all as a part of Free Fall Baltimore. :)

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