
Etude it.

Do you know what an etude is?

Neither did I until my Sophomore year at Cornish. That was the year we were introduced to a method of training called Meyerhold's Biomechanics and a crazy man named Gennadi Bogdanov. Gennadi wasn't our teacher, but we learned from those who learned from him.

The reason I'm bringing all this is up is because as of late, my training, that toolbox that I took four years to build and develop, is slowly but surely coming back into play.

I've been picking up books on viewpoints, meisner technique, dusting off my copies of Impro & The Articulate Body (I might actually invest myself in reading them this time). Thinking about how I can bring those techniques into my rehearsal space as I direct. I'm starting to get that thirst to train again. It's been awhile and I see the thick layer of dust that has accumulated on my technique. I'm not saying that I want to go back to school, because I don't. I spent enough money, but what I am looking for are artists to train with. To push me as I push them.

Obviously this isn't feasible at this moment because I'm in production and I have no space to do this in, but to me those are just excuses made not to do something. There is this need growing inside of me to rediscover what it is to move on stage, to move others and be moved myself, both physically & emotionally.

I know that Everyman is starting a Viewpoints workshop some time soon if it hasn't started already. Unfortunately the funding isn't in the cards, but god do I miss being in a rehearsal studio with actors that I trust and allowing myself to say yes. I get a sense of that when I'm in rehearsals for a show, but there is something about the ensemble & the training process that can not be replicated without doing it.

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