
Blog Action Day '09 - Climate Change

This is a tricky topic for me. When I sat down to write this post I really had no idea what I was going to write. When you think of the theatre, you don't exactly think "climate change" as a topic playwrights normally cover in plays.

Nevertheless, theatres can make an impact. Here's a few ways I've seen/heard/dug up that other theatres are making the effort to be a little more "green".
  1. If your theatre accepts script submissions, take them electronically only. Save paper and read them on a computer.

  2. Think about the paper products you use. Is it feasible for you to use recycled & eco-friendly paper products?

  3. This one is a bit trickier, but have LD's be conscious of their lighting designs. This is something new that I've seen on a few blogs, but lighting designers have the opportunity to impact energy consumption in a major way. Sure there are the shows that require everything to be bright, light & airy, but does every show the theatre does have to be that way. Is there way to pare down the cues to make them more energy efficient? Food for thought.

  4. Turn up temp on those AC units (or turn them off completely!) when they aren't needed. This one can be tricky b/c for so many theaters there are people in & out all the time. On top of that, if they were turned off and it got really hot, it would take more energy to cool everything down. Just be mindful of ways that you can reduce the use of these energy suckers.

  5. CFLs! Sure it's a bit of an investment, BUT a CFL on average uses 1/4 of the energy of a normal 60 watt bulb. That's quite a bit of savings over the long term AND you don't have to buy light bulbs for like 5 years. Bonus!

Need more information on making your theatre greener? Check out these sites:

Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts
EcoTheatre Blog
50 things you can do towards being a green theater from GreenTheater.org

So I've given a few tips I've found. Are there any others that you are using to reduce your footprint?

What are ways individual theatre artists can make a difference?

This post is a part of Blog Action Day 2009, please consider joining the conversation in 2010!

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