
Other's passion can be inspiring.

It's really nice to be around a group of people that cares as much about theatre as I do.

Let me rewind a little bit for you...

Today was the BTA strategic planning meeting at Towson U and I was invited to attend because I worked up a proposal for how BTA can leverage social media to help bring exposure to the local theatre in Baltimore.

It was a little strange at first. I think people wondered who the hell I was, but once I started contributing and actually sounded like I knew what I was talking about all was good.

These people are not just passionate, but they are passionate about this city and doing theatre in THIS city. They care about the community as a whole and are working to make sure that we ALL survive. No one goes down. In times like these, where arts organizations are folding left and right, that mentality that we are all in this together is extremely refreshing. Finding ways to provide value to the community, an all hands on deck approach, is really awesome. So thanks to all who were in the meeting today, you really made me feel good about my future in this town.

It's always been my goal to own a theatre company in NYC, and don't get me wrong, it's still what I want, but I think I'm doing alright here in Bmore for now.

And not to be all solicitor-like, but if you're looking to get involved and contribute to the community, let BTA know. All hands on deck, right?

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