
Dream Roles.

So everyone has their dream roles right? Here's a list of a few of mine and why they intrigue me so much, in no particular order of course.

1. Martha, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee - Who wouldn't want to play one of the craziest, out-of-control bitches in modern theatre? Yet she is so fragile underneath it all. She has one person who knows the real her, yet she wears her heart on her sleeve.

2. Miss Julie, Miss Julie by August Strindberg - I love that the tables flip on her. She goes from being charge to completely helpless and doesn't understand how to handle that because she isn't used to it. Also, the challenge of playing someone who is pushed so far that she sees taking her own life as the only option is something that you either step up to as an actor, or you just shouldn't do the role.

3. Medea, Medea by Euripides - Do I really need to say anything?

4. Tamora, Titus Andronicus by William Shakespeare - On the flip side I'd also love to play Lavinia, but if I had the choice I'd take Tamara in a heart beat. She's seems so heartless on the surface, but honestly she's fueled by revenge, and a rightful revenge at that. Her sons are another matter entirely though.

5. Saint Monica, The Last Days of Judas Isacariot by Stephen Adly Gurgis - I don't think I would be the normal choice for Saint Monica, but would I really be for any of these roles I've picked? Saint Monica is tough & gruff, she doesn't pull up with bullshit. That's not to say that she doesn't have a heart though and a big one at that. Her interaction with Judas cuts through to my core.

6. Natasha, Three Sisters by Anton Chekov - We did scene work my junior year in college and I love how crazy Natasha can be when you find those moments to really let go and then how you recover. She is someone that lives in extremes and though she's the "bitch" of the play, I like the challenge that she brings.

7. Antigone, Antigone by Sophocles or Jean Anouilh - Honestly, I love both portrayals of Antigone. She's strong and a martyr for sure. She will allow herself to die for what she believes in, how could I not be attracted to that?

8. Ophelia, Hamlet by William Shakespeare - Ever since high school I've wanted to play her. Since I'm a larger body type I really think it adds a new level as to why Hamlet wants her. It takes it past a superficial level into finding a true connection between the two.

9. Helen, Fat Pig by Neil LaBute - Out of any character on this list, she is probably the one that on the surface I have the most in common with, but I don't know how to tap into her because everything is so similar. For me, she's a challenge because she would force me to really examine myself and the relationship to my body on a level that I don't think I've explored or have been willing to.

10. Lin, Cloud 9 by Caryl Churchill - Okay so I never realized how much I would love to play this character until working on a production of this show recently. I love her depth and how her true nature lies in what she does as opposed to what she says about herself. She is one of those character's whose motives are implied, nothing is that upfront and I love that about her.

I guess I chose all of these roles because I think that between my body type, my perspective & my history, I'd have something new to bring to the table to each role.

So what's your 10?

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